здоровье кожи, Кожа | 9 September 2024

How to reduce localized fat without surgery? Discover the new trends

Localized fat is one of the most common problems among the population and its removal often requires medical interventions. Since there is no easy natural way to eliminate localized adiposity, experts resort to various treatments, they vary according to the individual assessment of each patient. Among the most common techniques are cryolipolisis, radiofrequency, mesotherapy, lipolysis or liposuction. However, thanks to technological advances, a new non-invasive trend has emerged that surpasses traditional treatments in terms of efficacy: recombinant enzymes.

If you are dealing with localized fat problems and want to know how to address them, this article will provide you with a complete guide. We will explain what it is, it´s symptoms, and common causes. In addition, you´ll learn about the latest treatmens with pbserum´s recombinant enzymes through our HA and Plus lines., which offer safe and effective alternatives to address localized adiposity without surgery.

What is localized fat?

Localized fat is the accumulation of adipose tissue in specific body areas such as the back, arms, abdomen, hips, thighs and inner face of the knees. This problem affects both men and women and areas of accumulation vary according to gender due to hormonal levels.

Although subcutaneous fat is not as dangerous as visceral fat (that which surrounds internal organs), it can lead to health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, increased insulin resistance, joint issues and chronic inflammation.

Localized fat is difficult to eliminate naturally through regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle or a proper diet. For this reason, there is a common recurrence to diverse treatments in order to address it. These can be invasive, like surgery, or non- invasive, like recombinant enzymes.

Symptoms and signs of localized adiposity

The most evident Symptoms and signs of localized adiposity are:

  • Increased volume in specific areas, such as the hips, arms, back, thighs and/or abdomen.
  • Visible changes in body´s silhouette, where certain areas may appear disproportionate compared to others.
  • Difficulty losing far in the affected areas through diet or regular exercise.
  • A feelinf og heaviness or discomfort in the affected areas, which cmay be more noticeable during physical exercise.

Localized adiposity common causes

According to experts, its appearance its due to a combination of various factors. Common causes include:

  • A sedentary lifestyle. Lack of exercise is a key factor in the accumulation of fat in specific areas.
  • An unhealthy diet, high in calories and sugars and low in nutrients.
  • Hereditary or genetical predisposition.
  • Hormonal imbalances and changes, such as those occurring during menopause, contribute to fat accumulation in different areas of the body.

Risk Factors

  • Gender is considered a risk factor that affecting localized fat distribution. For example, women, due to higher nlevels of estrogens and progesterone, tend to accumulate more fat in the thighs, hips and buttocks. Men, due to testosterone, are more prone to accumulating fat in the abdomen.
  • Age. As we age our metabolism slows down, so body fat distribution can be affected.
  • High stress levels, as they increase the production of cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat accumulation.

Prevention to avoid localized fat

If you want to prevent the accumulation of localized fat, it is vital to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle.

Preventive tips

  • Maintain a balanced diet by increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, proteins, healthy fats (such as olive oil), and whole grains. It is also advisable to reduce the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, found in sodas, sweets, and white bread.
  • Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, which can increase if your live in warm areas or if regular exercise is performed. Additionally, it is advisable to replace sugary drinks and sodas with water or herbal infusions.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the appearance of localized fat. Cardiovascular exercise, such as swimming, running, or cycling, combined with strength training and high-intensity interval training, helps tone and burn fat in a shorter period of time.
  • Manage stress to reduce cortisol levels. Some methods to achieve this include practicing yoga, engaging in physical exercise, getting enough sleep, and practicing meditation.

Treatment options to eliminate localized fat

There are different methods to treat fat accumulation, ranging from classic invasive techniques, such as surgery, to new non-invasive solutions.

Innovations in non-invasive treatments: the use of recombinant enzymes

In recent years, diverse methods have emerged to eliminate localized fat without surgery. Among the most innovative are pbserum´s recombinant enzymes, which are bacterial proteins capable of acting directly on fat cells, reducing their size and eliminating them naturally through the lymphatic system.

In particular, pbserum has developed the PLUS and HA lines, with different products to treat localized adiposity, achieving natural results without the need for surgery.

  • Plus Line, designed for clinical use, combines three enzymes (collagenase, lipase, and hyaluronidase) to treat localized fat on both the face and body. It offers maximal purity and potency in a sterile enzymatic cocktail.
  • HA line, the only recombinant enzymatic system that includes HA Medium, specifically designed to reduce adipose tissue volume thanks to the combination of its active ingredients( mainly lipase, collagenase, and lyase) offering spectacular results:
    • Lipase works by reducing adipose tissue, releasing triglycerides from adipocytes without harming the cell membrane.
    • Collagenase improves the skin quality and appearance, which is affected in areas with localized adiposity.
    • Finally, Lyase facilitates collagenase and lipase diffusion through the tissues.

Why use recombinant enzymes: benefits.

Recombinant enzymes offer multiple benefits in the treatment of localized fat, such as: 

  • Visible results in a short period of time without the need for surgery.
  • It is a non-invasive technique, allowing patients to quickly resume their daily activities, as it requires very little to no recovery time.
  • Personalization for each patient, so it is crucial to consult an expert to find the right treatment according to individual characteristics and obtain the best possible results.

As you can see, it is possible to get rid of localized fat through non invasive techniques without surgery. Contact us if you wish to receive more information and learn about the advantages of our HA Medium and Plus treatments for specific and personalized skin care.