дыхание лица, Кожа | 17 September 2024

What is Facial Reshaping?

Facial reshaping includes various, more or less invasive aesthetic techniques aimed at enhancing the facial contour, achieving a more harmonious appearance, and highlighting each person’s natural features. These methods not only enhance beauty but also improve skin smoothness and softness, resulting in a healthier appearance.

Moreover, facial reshaping effectively addresses signs of aging, such as the displacement of subcutaneous fat toward the chin, causing the cheeks to sag.

Facial reshaping techniques include mandibular definition, fat reduction, correction of facial asymmetries, and cheek augmentation. Each of these techniques is tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, offering personalized and effective results.

How will your face improve with reshaping?

One of the most common concerns among patients undergoing facial reshaping treatments is the outcome. Some wonder if they will lose their distinctive facial features.

Although these techniques significantly improve the face’s appearance, they do so while respecting each person’s uniqueness. The goal of facial reshaping is to enhance contour definition, providing a more youthful and healthy look.

For example, reducing the submental fat eliminates the appearance of a double chin, while defining the jawline results in a more attractive and sculpted face. Treatments with pbserum recombinant enzymes smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, and provide firmness simultaneously.

Common causes

The common causes that drive the people into considering facial reshaping include:

  • The progression of time: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and facial fat redistributes, flattening the cheekbones and increasing submental fat. Additionally, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and skin sagging.
  • Genetics: The distribution of facial fat and bone structure are genetically determined. Some people have a predisposition to store fat in very specific areas, such as the cheeks or under the chin, which affects the shape and harmony of the face.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits: Prolonged sun exposure, lack of exercise, an unbalanced diet, or tobacco consumption can negatively impact the appearance of our face.

Factors than contribute facial shape changes

In addition to the previously mentioned reasons, certain factors also contribute to changes in facial shape, such as:

  • Previous aesthetic procedures: Treatments such as cosmetic surgery or the use of fillers can influence how our face responds to facial reshaping techniques.
  • Significant weight loss: Overall body fat loss, including the face, can cause skin sagging if not treated properly.
  • Skin care: Those who properly care for and hydrate their skin tend to maintain greater elasticity and firmness for a longer time.

Comparison between conventional treatments and recombinant enzymes

Traditionally, facial reshaping treatments have included the use of dermal fillers and surgical procedures such as facelifts. However, in recent years, recombinant enzymes have emerged as a highly interesting alternative due to their precision and efficacy, making them an advanced and less invasive option when compared to traditional methods.

Specifically, pbserum has developed the innovative treatment: HA Low, the only recombinant enzymatic system designed with state-of-the-art enzymes to address face reshaping. This product focuses on facial remodeling, achieving significant improvements in definition and obtaining natural results without the need for surgery.

Benefits of recombinant enzymes

What are pbserum´s recombinant enzymes?

pbserum´s recombinant enzymes, are bacterial-origin proteins, developed through a complex biotechnological process that allows us to obtain a product of great purity and afficacy, ensuring quality results and patient safety. Within the context of facial reshaping, enzimes are used to reduce the subcutaneous fat deposits volume, increase tisuue firmness and improve skin quality, without the need of surgical procedures.

Advantages of recombinant enzymes in face reshaping.

The advantages of using recombinant enzymes are numerous, including:

  • Fast recovery. By being a minimally invasive, the recovery time is short.
  • Greater precision. Recombinant enzymes act on specific substrates according to their type:
    • Lipase that reduces adipocyte volume,
    • Collagenase to degrade non funtional collagen fibers and stimulate fibroblasts,
    • and Lyase by degrading proteoglycans. This allows a controlled reduction and tissue remodeling in specific areas of the face, unlike other treatments.
  • Tretament security. By being a minimally invasive method, complications and risks are well minimized. In a recent scientific publication, recombinant enzimes results were analyzed in over 200 patients. In any case was there a report of severe adverse effects or complications derived of the management with pbserum´s recombinant enzymes.
  • Natural Results. The improvement in facial reshaping occurs gradually, achieving harmonious and natural results.

Longterm results using recombinant enzymes

The use of recombinant enzymes offers long lasting benefits and visible results in the short term. Additionally, maintaining the results turns out easy, requiring only an adecquate skin care routine along with healthy lifestyle habits.

Consult a medical specialist to get more information on face reshaping with recombinant enzymes and discover how this treatment can be ideal for you. Visit our website to learn about our products, including the innovative HA Low, designed specifically to address facial reshaping.

References: [1] López Gehrke I, Soto Montenegro AE, Santaella E, Prada Castellanos Y, López Berroa J. Degree of satisfaction of patients aesthetically treated with recombinant enzymes; clinical experience. Lat Am J Clin Sci Med Technol. 2024 Mar; 6: 30 – 38.