soluciones con enzimas para reducir la papada
Face reshaping, The skin | 8 January 2025

Double Chin reduction: understanding advanced solutions

The neck is one of the areas that most accurately reflects a person´s age. A smooth and wrinkle free neck, is often associated with youth. Nevertheless, the appearance of the double chin or submental fat accumulation, can occur regardless of  age. In this article, we will explain what a double chin is, its causes, how to prevent its appearance and the latest and minimally invasive treatments with recombinant enzymes to reduce it. In particular, pbserum HA Medium, is presented as one of the safest and most effective alternatives to reduce the double chin, without the need of surgery. 

What is a Double Chin?

Double chin is a term used to describe the submental and subcutaneous fat accumulation, creating the appearance of a double chin. This localized fat accumulation can be occur in people regardless the age, body type, weather they are slim or overweighted. Although double chin does not represent a significant medical problem, it can have a considerable impact on the self-steem of those who have it. 

Double Chin Common Causes

The appearance of a double chin, is linked to various factors, including: 

  • Genetics. A genetic double chin is directly related to each person´s anatomy. It is common in patients whose oral base muscles are lax or whose hyoid bone is positioned forward relative to the chin.  
  • Weight gain. Excess weight can lead to fat accumulation in localized areas, such as under the chin. 
  • Age. Over the years, skin loses its elasticity and muscles weaken. These charactheristics attributed to aging contribute to sagging and fat accumulation. 
  • Loss of muscle mass both aging and a poor protein diet can lead to muscle mass loss. This can cause the fat located under the neck and chin to become more pronounced. 

Prevention and minimization

The appearance of a double chin can be prevented and minimized by adopting healthy habits, for example:   

  • Avoid overweight through a balanced diet and regular exercise. 
  • Keep a well hydrated and sun-protected skin to keep its elasticity, including the area under the chin. 
  • Practice facial exercises to strenghten the neck and jaw muscles. 
  • Improve posture, especially when using electronic devices, to prevent weakening of the neck and jaw muscles, thereby avoiding the appearance of a double chin. 

Innovative treatments

Reducing or eliminating a double chin naturally is not possible, which is why aesthetic treatments are used. There are different techniques, ranging from less to more invasive, that can solve the problem. These include the classic liposuction, and invasive procedure, to more novel methods such as the use of recombinant enzymes, a non-invasive procedure. 

Recombinant enzymes are  proteins designed by genetic engineering techniques that act in specifically on the affected area. In the particular case of  reducing or eliminating a double chin,  recombinant enzymes serve to: 

  • Reduce Localized fat  under the chin.
  • Improve the skin appearance in the treated area. 
  • Improve the contour of the neck and jaw. 

In particular, pbserum has developed HA Medium, a clinical procedure specifically designed to treat localized fat, achieving natural results without need for surgery. Among its active ingredients are Lipase, that reduces the adipose tissue and releases tryglicerides from adipocytes without breaking the cell membrane; collagenase, improves the appearance and quality of the skin in  areas with localized fat; and finally Lyase, which facilitates collagenase and lipase diffusion through the tissues and reduces fluid retention that may be present in the area. 

Why should we choose treatments bases on recombinant enzymes? 

Thanks to their specificity, recombinant enzymes tend to present fewer or even no side effects compared to more invasive treatments like liposuction. 

Additionally, they offer visible and natural results in a short period of time, making them a very attractive and highly demanded solution for people who wish to eliminate a double chin, with out surgery. 

Another great benefit of recombinant enzymes treatments is the possibility to customize the formula according to each patient´s specific needs. 

Consult with Specialists

Before starting a medical treatment with recombinant enzymes for a double chin reduction, it is essential to consult an expert, for these procedures are performed under medical supervision. Through the medical consultation, the specialist can: 

  • Conduct a precise evaluation to identify the specific causes of the double chin’s appearance. 
  • Personalize the treatment based on the individuals characteristics of each patient, considering factors such as skin type, neck shape, or amount of accumulated fat. 
  • Adjust the treatment during its course to ensure the best results and avoid possible adverse effects.

In each session, the specialist will provide a comprehensive counseling offering advice and suggestions on aftercare and necessary preventive measures to ensure long-term results. 

In conclusion, through exercise, a healthy diet and  improved posture, combined with advanced aesthetic treatments like HA Medium, it is posssible to reduce and even eliminate a double chin. 

Recombinant enzymes represent a safe, non invasive and effective option, offering more natural and quicker effects than  conventional treatments. Consulting with a specialist is essential to ensure a personalized and successful evaluation of each case. Do not hesitate to contact  any of our experts to asses your specific situation. Additionally, if you wish to know more about facial reshaping, be sure to not miss the next article.